Health Programs

Health programs focus on improving health outcomes through preventive, wellness and clinical services. They help to reduce the number of illnesses and injuries and lower costs for individuals, families, insurance companies, hospitals, communities and states. These programs also include research and development of vaccines, drugs and other medical devices. They can be found at the local, state, national and international level.

Health education is the process by which an individual or a group of people acquire knowledge and skills to maintain and improve their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social well-being. Educators may work in schools, colleges, workplaces, community organizations, health care settings, private practice or in public health agencies. They may also serve as health coaches and counselors. Health educators address issues including consumer, environmental, personal and family health; adolescent and adult health; first aid, safety and disaster preparedness; substance abuse prevention and nutrition and eating. They may also manage grants and conduct research.

Workplace health programs are a great way to increase employee morale, boost productivity and create a happy, healthy working environment. These initiatives can range from smoking cessation programs to fun fitness competitions that promote better health choices. By focusing on the well-being of employees, employers can save money in the long run by reducing absenteeism and turnover.

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed a deep need to embed equity into health programs at the federal, state and local levels. NACCHO is leading efforts to develop and implement new operating models, goals and metrics for achieving this transformation.

NACCHO’s infrastructure and systems programs are advancing tools to strengthen the capacity of local health departments (LHDs) and support their efforts to improve public health outcomes. These efforts are informed by a robust evidence base, a commitment to promoting equity and an emphasis on leveraging existing resources to advance public health and health.

Health protection programs support the public’s ability to detect and respond to biological, chemical and radiological threats. These programs are led by experts at the Wadsworth Center and are an integral part of CDC’s Laboratory Response Network.

The Basic Health Program is a federal grant program that supports state efforts to provide coverage to individuals and families at or below the federal poverty level who do not qualify for Medicaid, CHIP or other minimum essential health coverage. This includes citizens and lawfully present non-citizens with incomes between 133 percent and 200 percent of the federal poverty level who are not eligible for Marketplace subsidies or cost sharing reductions. This funding is intended to supplement current state budgets and ensure the sustainability of these programs. The program is authorized through 2023.

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